森英顕 Mori Hideaki
Title:心に満月を/A full moon in heart
Material:銀杏に彩色/Colored in ginkgo


森英顕 Mori Hideaki

 今から10数年前、一人の彫刻家の美術館を見る機会があった。生前、彫 刻家のアトリエであったその場所には、彫刻作品以外にも、その制作過程で残された石膏型などが無造作に置かれていた。美術館の内庭には彫刻家の残したブロンズ像が複数立っており、非日常の世界を作り出していた。

 More than 10 years ago, I had a chance to see the sculptor's art museum. At that place, where was also his atelier when he was alive, there were some sculptures, and besides, some casually left gypsum molds and etc. In the inner court of the museum, there were some bronze statues that he had left, which created the extraordinary world.
 It occurred to me that the trace created by the sculptor surpassed himself; it is the trace of ivilization itself. The sculputor's collection of art works reminded me of the past civilizations. Looking back at that time after long years, that wonderful place noticed me the great ossibility of sculptures, and also was the beginning for me to consider how to face them.
 Myself at the moment, I would like to take a step forward from the past sculptures which I've created. I want to keep a distance from acquired features and artificiality from my xperience, and once again, look for the type of possibilities of sculptures.
 Since about 2 years ago, I've been having a feeling that there's a possibility in centripetal which is the quality of circles. The outer shell for solids (sculptures) are consisted of planes. Draw circles on those planes. And then, draw a new line centering the contact on the arc of the
circle. Keep repeating the process, and enclose every outer shells with the circle.
 "円満(En-man)." (円=circle, 満=full / means 'amicableness' in English.) Like this word, I'd like to value this time creating works with my symposium's group hoping that the sculpture full of circles appears in front me.
森英顕 Mori Hideaki 森英顕 Mori Hideaki 森英顕 Mori Hideaki
森英顕 Mori Hideaki 森英顕 Mori Hideaki 森英顕 Mori Hideaki

森英顕 Mori Hideaki

森英顕 Mori Hideaki


招聘作家 国籍:日本

1977 熊本県に生まれる
2006 崇城大学大学院芸術研究科美術専攻修了
2009 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科芸術専攻修了
2008 第23回国民文化祭・美術展 文部科学大臣賞/茨城県近代美術館(茨城)
第85回白日会展 白日賞/国立新美術館(東京)
-石・金属・木-三人展/白金台・瑞聖寺 ZAP(東京)
2012 第88回白日会展 長嶋美術館賞/国立新美術館(東京)
2013 ベストセレクション 美術2013/東京都美術館(東京)v
2015 緑の中の小さな彫刻展(12~14)/ギャラリー華(東京)
木造薬師如来坐像 制作/山都町下名連石・金福寺(熊本)
2017 第7回次代を担う彫刻家たち展(15)/現代彫刻美術館(東京)
2018 『 アイ・ハブ・ア・ドリーム』 森英顕彫刻展/つなぎ美術館(熊本)