オルガナイザーあいさつ 日原公大|那須野が原国際芸術シンポジウム

オルガナイザー 日原公大


 世界的なパンデミックが縮小して自由に海外に行き来できるようになりました。観光地の賑わいが回復してきた昨今、街には海外の人が目立つようになって活気が戻りつつあります。アート世界の元気が元通りになるには、まだ先の事になりそうです。しかし、今回の第5回アーティスト・イン・レジデンスは様々な方々のサポートのおかげで開催が出来ましたこと、また多くの情報をご提供くださったマスメディアの皆様に感謝申し上げます。 今回ほど芸術家同士の深い友情と信頼を感じたことは有りませんでした。連日30度を超える稀にみる異常気象の中、果敢に作品制作に挑む力強い姿勢は市民を興奮の渦に巻き込み感動をもたらしました。更に、毎年恒例の子供ワークショップにも多くの参加者があり、子どもたちは暑さを忘れ制作に没頭して傑作が誕生しました。コロナの影響が未だ残る状態ですが参加作家を始め、地域の皆様、関係者の方々のご理解と温かいご支援があり、レジデンスに多くの人々が訪れて下さったのです。喜びに堪えません。結びに、これほどまでに多の市民の皆様がダイレクトに芸術に理解を示して下さった事を誇りに感じ報告といたします。

For The 5th Artist in Residence Otawara 2023

The global pandemic has shrunk, and we can now travel freely to and from other countries. The tourist areas have recently recovered their popularity, and the cities of Japan are beginning to come back alive with a remarkable number of people from abroad. It seems that it will still take a long time for the world of art to be back on track. However, thanks to many people who supported us and to the mass media who provided us with a lot of information, we were able to hold the 5th Artist in Residence. I would like to express my gratitude to all of you. I have never felt such deep friendship and trust between artists as I did this time. The citizens were thrilled and moved by the artists' powerful efforts to create artworks despite the unusual weather conditions, which reached over 30 degrees Celsius every day. In addition, many children participated in the annual children's workshop who forgot about the heat and immersed themselves in their artwork, which resulted in the creation of their masterpieces. Although the effects of COVID-19 still remain, the understanding and warm support of the artists, the local community, and all those involved has made it possible for so many people to visit the residency. I cannot help but feel overjoyed. In conclusion, I am very proud to announce that so many citizens showed their direct understanding of the art in this Artist in Residence.

The 5th Artist in Residence Otawara 2023
Organizer of Nasunogahara International Art Symposium Executive Committee
Director of the Otawara City Institute of Art Cultural-Studies
Kodai Hihara